On December 4, 2022, the President and General Secretary visited Sambhota Tibetan School in Kalimpong. During their visit, they delivered a talk focusing on the current situation inside Tibet.

Briefed the students about the activities and objectives of the Tibetan Youth Congress, aiming to raise awareness among the younger generation about the ongoing struggle for freedom and human rights in Tibet. Following the talk, a question and answer session provided an opportunity for students to engage and seek in-depth information.

After the awareness talk at Sambhota Tibetan School, the TYC President and General Secretary along with RTYC Kalingpong President Jingpa Tashi paid a visit to Kungo Gyalo Dhondup la, the elder brother of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. This visit was a gesture to extend greetings and pay their respects to Kungo Gyalo Dhondup la, who holds a significant position within the Tibetan community.

These activities demonstrate the TYC’s dedication to engaging with Tibetan youth, informing them about the current situation in Tibet, and fostering a sense of unity and awareness. Additionally, paying respects to influential figures within the Tibetan community reflects the TYC’s commitment to maintaining important connections and showing reverence to individuals who have made significant contributions to the Tibetan cause.


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