TYC attends IUSY Asia Pacific Virtual Convention

Tibetan Youth Congress General Secretary, Mr. Sonam Tsering la represented Tibet at a day-long International Union of Socialist Youth’s Asia Pacific Virtual Convention held on 4th December 2021. IUSY is made up of 143 youth organizations from 100 countries all over the world. IUSY was founded over 115 years ago, on 24th August 1907 but during the World Wars, its activities were briefly suspended. IUSY was re-established under its current name on 30th September 1946. The goal of IUSY is to put into practice and defend the ideals of democratic socialism, to fight for freedom and human rights, equality, democracy, universal solidarity, political solution, etc. on global issues.

Mr. Sonam Tsering, TYC General Secretary taking part in the Regional Youth Convention Virtual Meeting organized by IUSY.

The delegates of the World Council had extensive deliberation of the IUSY political topics for the coming year. The conference had TYC representative Mr. Sonam Tsering speaking on the upcoming Winter Olympics in Beijing and the climate crisis in Tibet.

The Regional Youth Convention of the IUSY has successfully adopted two resolutions related to the Climate crisis on the Tibetan Plateau and boycotted Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics.


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