On 1st October 2022, Tibetan Youth Congress (TYC) along with RTYC Delhi and RTYC Rohini Tibetan college students staged a protest outside the Chinese embassy in New Delhi to express our concerns regarding the pandemic crisis in Tibet and the Chinese government’s handling of the situation.
During the protest, our activists wore black shirts as a symbol of solidarity with Tibetans inside Tibet. Our demands included an end to the alleged genocide taking place in Tibet and the cessation of the Zero Covid policy. The protesters sought to draw attention to the issues faced by Tibetans and to hold China accountable for its actions.
As a result of the protest, our activist were detained by the police and taken to the Mandir Marg police station. The actions taken by our protesters were aimed at raising awareness and calling for change regarding the situation in Tibet. The demonstration reflected the concerns and aspirations of the Tibetan Youth Congress and our commitment to advocating for the rights and well-being of Tibetans inside Tibet.