124. Kunchok Tsetan

kunchoktsetenName: Kunchok Tseten

Age: 30

Sex: Male


Date of self- immolation: December 4, 2013

Protest location: Meruma township in Ngaba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan (the Tibetan area of Amdo

Current whereabouts/wellbeing: Unknown

Info: A Tibetan father of two called Kunchok Tseten set fire to himself yesterday (December 3) in Meruma township in Ngaba, sparking protests as local people tried to stop police taking him away after he collapsed in the road in flames. Kunchok Tseten’s wife and some relatives have disappeared and are believed to have been taken into custody, according to Tibetan exile sources.

Kunchok Tseten was heard shouting loudly as he ran down the road ablaze, calling for the long life of the Dalai Lama, for His Holiness to return to Tibet and for Tibetans to be reunited both inside Tibet and in exile. A Tibetan with contacts in the area told Radio Free Asia: “Even after he collapsed on the ground, he was seen by local witnesses folding his hands together in prayer and uttering some words that were not audible.”



124. Kunchok Tsetan

kunchoktsetenName: Kunchok Tseten

Age: 30

Sex: Male


Date of self- immolation: December 4, 2013

Protest location: Meruma township in Ngaba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan (the Tibetan area of Amdo

Current whereabouts/wellbeing: Unknown

Info: A Tibetan father of two called Kunchok Tseten set fire to himself yesterday (December 3) in Meruma township in Ngaba, sparking protests as local people tried to stop police taking him away after he collapsed in the road in flames. Kunchok Tseten’s wife and some relatives have disappeared and are believed to have been taken into custody, according to Tibetan exile sources.

Kunchok Tseten was heard shouting loudly as he ran down the road ablaze, calling for the long life of the Dalai Lama, for His Holiness to return to Tibet and for Tibetans to be reunited both inside Tibet and in exile. A Tibetan with contacts in the area told Radio Free Asia: “Even after he collapsed on the ground, he was seen by local witnesses folding his hands together in prayer and uttering some words that were not audible.”



123. Tsering Gyal

Name: Tsering Gyal

Age: 20

Sex: Male

Date: November 11, 2013

Status: Monk

Protest location: Pema (Chinese: Baima) county in Golok Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai (the Tibetan area of Amdo)

Current whereabouts/wellbeing: Unknown

Info: A monk, named as Tsering Gyal by various sources from the area speaking to Tibetans in exile, set fire to himself in Pema (Chinese: Baima) county in Golok Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai (the Tibetan area of Amdo). He was taken to a hospital nearby after police extinguished the flames and it is not known if he is still alive.

Tsering Gyal was a monk from Akyong monastery, which follows the Jonang tradition of Tibetan Buddhism, according to the same sources, including a Tibetan who spoke to an eyewitness.tseringgyal







122. Sichung

sichungName: Sichung

Age: 40

Sex: Male

Status: Layperson

Date of Self-immolation: September 28, 2013

Location: Gomang village, Ngaba (Chinese: Aba) county

Current whereabouts/wellbeing: Deceased

Info: A Tibetan father of two set fire to himself and died on September 28 in Gomang village, Ngaba (Chinese: Aba) county, according to exile Tibetan sources. When Tibetans gathered around his body, police aimed their guns at the crowd. Village elders averted tensions by appealing to both local Tibetans and police for calm.

Forty-year old Shichung set himself on fire outside his house and ran along the road shouting in protest against the Chinese authorities before he collapsed to the ground in flames and died, according to Kirti monks in exile in Dharamsala. The monks said before he self-immolated, he lit a butter-lamp before an image of the Dalai Lama. A few days earlier, he had said, “The Chinese will never leave us in peace”, according to the same sources. (ICT)


121. Kunchok Sonam

kunchoksonamName: Kunchok Sonam

Age: 18

Sex: Male

Status: Monk

Date of Self-immolation: 8:40 am (local time) June 20

Location: Thangkor Sogtsang Monastery in Zoege region of eastern Tibet

Current whereabouts/wellbeing: Deceased

Around a hundred Tibetans and supporters gathered on Sunday evening at McLeod Ganj square in the exile Tibetan headquarters of Dharamshala for a candle light vigil in solidarity with Kunchok Sonam, the latest Tibetan self-immolator.

Kunchok Sonam, an 18-year-old monk of the Thangkor Sogtsang Monastery in Zoege region of eastern Tibet, set himself on fire at around 8:40 am (local time) on Saturday protesting China’s continued occupation of Tibet. He passed away at the site of his protest.

Chinese security personnel arrived at the site of the protest and tried to bundle away Kunchok Sonam’s body. However, local Tibetans present there succeeded in rescuing the deceased’s body from falling into Chinese hands.

According to reports, more than 1500 Tibetans later gathered at the monastery to pay their last respects to Kunchok Sonam and also took part in a special prayer ceremony.

The exile Tibetan administration has said that the situation in the region “remains tense” with local Chinese authorities deploying a large number of security forces at the monastery. Telephone and internet lines in the region have also been cut.

Kunchok Sonam is the son of Sonam Palden and Lentrug.

Speaking at the vigil jointly organised by the regional chapters of the Tibetan Youth Congress, Tibetan Women’s Association and Students for a Free Tibet, India, Tibet activist Tenzin Tsundue pointed out that the Xi Jinping government has still not removed the oppressive security forces that the Hu Jintao regime deployed to turn Tibet into a “police state.”

“Tibetan monks, nuns and nomads are intimated by these guns totting brutes who bully their way around in Tibetans towns and cities,” he said.

Since 2009, as many as 120 Tibetans living under China’s rule have set themselves on fire calling for freedom in Tibet and the return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama from exile.

121. Kunchok Sonam

kunchoksonamName: Kunchok Sonam

Age: 18

Sex: Male

Status: Monk

Date of Self-immolation: 8:40 am (local time) June 20

Location: Thangkor Sogtsang Monastery in Zoege region of eastern Tibet

Current whereabouts/wellbeing: Deceased

Around a hundred Tibetans and supporters gathered on Sunday evening at McLeod Ganj square in the exile Tibetan headquarters of Dharamshala for a candle light vigil in solidarity with Kunchok Sonam, the latest Tibetan self-immolator.

Kunchok Sonam, an 18-year-old monk of the Thangkor Sogtsang Monastery in Zoege region of eastern Tibet, set himself on fire at around 8:40 am (local time) on Saturday protesting China’s continued occupation of Tibet. He passed away at the site of his protest.

Chinese security personnel arrived at the site of the protest and tried to bundle away Kunchok Sonam’s body. However, local Tibetans present there succeeded in rescuing the deceased’s body from falling into Chinese hands.

According to reports, more than 1500 Tibetans later gathered at the monastery to pay their last respects to Kunchok Sonam and also took part in a special prayer ceremony.

The exile Tibetan administration has said that the situation in the region “remains tense” with local Chinese authorities deploying a large number of security forces at the monastery. Telephone and internet lines in the region have also been cut.

Kunchok Sonam is the son of Sonam Palden and Lentrug.

Speaking at the vigil jointly organised by the regional chapters of the Tibetan Youth Congress, Tibetan Women’s Association and Students for a Free Tibet, India, Tibet activist Tenzin Tsundue pointed out that the Xi Jinping government has still not removed the oppressive security forces that the Hu Jintao regime deployed to turn Tibet into a “police state.”

“Tibetan monks, nuns and nomads are intimated by these guns totting brutes who bully their way around in Tibetans towns and cities,” he said.

Since 2009, as many as 120 Tibetans living under China’s rule have set themselves on fire calling for freedom in Tibet and the return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama from exile.

120. Wangchen Dolma

wangchendolmaName: Wangchen Dolma

Age: 31

Sex: Female

Status: Layperson

Date of Self-immolation: around 5 pm (local time) on June 11

Location: Near Nyatso Monastery in Tawu

Current whereabouts/wellbeing: Unknown

Wangchen Dolma 31 year-old nun believed to have suruved fiery protest but no further information on her present condition. She is currently believed to be in a hospital in Dartsedo after Chinese security personnel arrested her from the protest site.

It has also been reported that an unidentified Tibetan man, who tried to rescue Wangchen Dolma, was severely beaten and arrested by Chinese security personnel.

Following a major clampdown by Chinese authorities on all communication channels in the entire Tawu region, sparse details about Tuesday’s protest is trickling out.

Dharamshala based Tibetan language news portal, Tibet Express identified the nun citing sources in exile as well as inside Tibet.

Wangchen Dolma set herself on fire at around 5 pm (local time) on June 11 outside the Nyatso Monastery in Tawu, where thousands of monks from all over Tibet were participating in a major religious gathering.

According to an eyewitness, a Tibetan man tried to put off the flames on Wangchen Dolma’s body, shouting, “if we don’t rescue the nun, she will fall into the hands of the Chinese.”

“Within minutes of the self-immolation protest, Chinese security personnel arrived, extinguished the flames, and bundled the nun away in a police vehicle” the same source said. “The man who tried to save the nun was severely beaten by two Chinese security personnel and later arrested.”

Whereabouts of the unidentified Tibetan man is not known.

Wangchen Dolma’s monastery is located near Dakar Jangchup Choeling, the nunnery to which nun Palden Choetso, who self-immolated on November 3, 2011, belongs.

Wangchen Dolma is a native of Tawu. Further personal details, as well as information on the present situation at her monastery are not available.

Also, a picture currently under circulation, claiming to be of Wangchen Dolma, has not been confirmed by sources.

The exile Tibetan administration has repeatedly appealed to Tibetans not to take drastic actions, including self-immolation, while attributing the current crisis in Tibet to China’s policies of “political and religious repression, economic marginalisation, social discrimination, cultural assimilation and environmental destruction in Tibet.”

This week, Tibetan spiritual leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama expressed doubts over the effectiveness of the unprecedented wave of self-immolations while speaking to reporters in Sydney on Thursday.

“It’s a sad thing that happens. Of course it’s very very sad. In the meantime, I express I doubt how much effect (there is) from such drastic actions,” the 77-year-old Tibetan leader was quoted as saying.

120. Wangchen Dolma

wangchendolmaName: Wangchen Dolma

Age: 31

Sex: Female

Status: Layperson

Date of Self-immolation: around 5 pm (local time) on June 11

Location: Near Nyatso Monastery in Tawu

Current whereabouts/wellbeing: Unknown

Wangchen Dolma 31 year-old nun believed to have suruved fiery protest but no further information on her present condition. She is currently believed to be in a hospital in Dartsedo after Chinese security personnel arrested her from the protest site.

It has also been reported that an unidentified Tibetan man, who tried to rescue Wangchen Dolma, was severely beaten and arrested by Chinese security personnel.

Following a major clampdown by Chinese authorities on all communication channels in the entire Tawu region, sparse details about Tuesday’s protest is trickling out.

Dharamshala based Tibetan language news portal, Tibet Express identified the nun citing sources in exile as well as inside Tibet.

Wangchen Dolma set herself on fire at around 5 pm (local time) on June 11 outside the Nyatso Monastery in Tawu, where thousands of monks from all over Tibet were participating in a major religious gathering.

According to an eyewitness, a Tibetan man tried to put off the flames on Wangchen Dolma’s body, shouting, “if we don’t rescue the nun, she will fall into the hands of the Chinese.”

“Within minutes of the self-immolation protest, Chinese security personnel arrived, extinguished the flames, and bundled the nun away in a police vehicle” the same source said. “The man who tried to save the nun was severely beaten by two Chinese security personnel and later arrested.”

Whereabouts of the unidentified Tibetan man is not known.

Wangchen Dolma’s monastery is located near Dakar Jangchup Choeling, the nunnery to which nun Palden Choetso, who self-immolated on November 3, 2011, belongs.

Wangchen Dolma is a native of Tawu. Further personal details, as well as information on the present situation at her monastery are not available.

Also, a picture currently under circulation, claiming to be of Wangchen Dolma, has not been confirmed by sources.

The exile Tibetan administration has repeatedly appealed to Tibetans not to take drastic actions, including self-immolation, while attributing the current crisis in Tibet to China’s policies of “political and religious repression, economic marginalisation, social discrimination, cultural assimilation and environmental destruction in Tibet.”

This week, Tibetan spiritual leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama expressed doubts over the effectiveness of the unprecedented wave of self-immolations while speaking to reporters in Sydney on Thursday.

“It’s a sad thing that happens. Of course it’s very very sad. In the meantime, I express I doubt how much effect (there is) from such drastic actions,” the 77-year-old Tibetan leader was quoted as saying.

119. Tenzin Sherap

tenzinsherapName: Tenzin Sherap

Age: 31

Sex: Male

Status: Layperson

Date of Self-immolation: 27 May 2013, 6:40 pm (local time)

Location: Adril, Eastern Tibet

Current whereabouts/wellbeing: Deceased

Slogans: Not reported

A 31-year-old self-immolated on 27 May 2013 in the Adril Region of Eastern Tibet protesting China’s occupation and it repressive policies in Tibet. Tenzin Sherab succumbed to his injuries at the site of his protest. Sherab’s family members found out about his protest only after he passed away. According to sources, Chinese security personnel who arrived from Chumar removed his body and handed over to his family the following day on 28 May 2013.

Few days prior to his action, Tenzin Sherab had spoke to his friends about the China’s evil practices saying, “We can no longer bear to live under China’s constant torture and repression.” Sherab is survived by his father Dhondup and Choemey and is the eldest among five siblings.

119. Tenzin Sherap

tenzinsherapName: Tenzin Sherap

Age: 31

Sex: Male

Status: Layperson

Date of Self-immolation: 27 May 2013, 6:40 pm (local time)

Location: Adril, Eastern Tibet

Current whereabouts/wellbeing: Deceased

Slogans: Not reported

A 31-year-old self-immolated on 27 May 2013 in the Adril Region of Eastern Tibet protesting China’s occupation and it repressive policies in Tibet. Tenzin Sherab succumbed to his injuries at the site of his protest. Sherab’s family members found out about his protest only after he passed away. According to sources, Chinese security personnel who arrived from Chumar removed his body and handed over to his family the following day on 28 May 2013.

Few days prior to his action, Tenzin Sherab had spoke to his friends about the China’s evil practices saying, “We can no longer bear to live under China’s constant torture and repression.” Sherab is survived by his father Dhondup and Choemey and is the eldest among five siblings.

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