11. Dawa Tsering

His Slogans: demanded the return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Freedom for Tibet

Name: Dawa Tsering

Age: 38

Sex: Male

Profession: Monk at Kandze Monastery, Kandze County, Kham

Date of Self-Immolation: 25 October 2011 around 9:30 am (local time)

Location: Kandze, Kham, Eastern Tibet

Current whereabouts/wellbeing: Reportedly alive and residing at home

Dawa Tsering poured kerosene on his body and set himself alight during a masked lama dance festival (Tibetan: cham) in Kandze County. While still alive, Dawa is reported to have shouted slogans calling for the return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and freedom for Tibet. Chinese security personnel, who have been stationed at Kandze Monastery since the 2008 pan-Tibet uprisings, arrived at the scene and doused the flames. According to a source in exile, “When the Chinese police tried to remove Dawa Tsering, he cried and pleaded not to be taken away.” Monk bystanders who had assembled there for the religious festivities tried to extinguish the flames and rushed him to Kandze People’s Hospital. Reportedly his chances of survival were slim so he was returned to Kandze Monastery. According to eyewitnesses Dawa Tsering refused medical attention and was described as in a critical condition with severe burn injuries. Until he was transferred to his home the situation in and around the monastery was reportedly tense with monks protecting Dawa Tsering and armed Chinese security guards surrounding the monks and the monastery.


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