July 20, 16
Dharamshala: The Communist regime of China has announced that the fake Panchen Lama will be conducting the Kalachakra Teachings in Tibet from July 21-24. This calculated move is another one of Beijing’s strategy to claim their right over everything Tibetan despite the glaring contradiction that a communist government is heavily involved in conducting the affairs of Tibetan religious traditions. Gyaincain Norbu is the boy installed by the Government of China to replace the original Panchen Lama (recognized by HH the Dalai Lama) just few months after the latter’s abduction in 1995. The Dalai Lama and the Panchen Lama are the two highest Buddhist lamas in Tibet. There has been times when the Panchen Lama took lead role in the recognition of the reincarnation of the Dalai Lama and vice versa. The Dalai Lama has been giving the Kalachakra teachings in exile and these teachings are very popular and record high attendance is received. Reports in the media have stated that the government has ordered atleast two person from each family must attend the Kalachakra.
Recently it has been reported that Tibet’s largest Buddhist center Larung Gar Buddhist Academy in Serthar County, Kardze had been ordered by the Chinese government to cut down its strength to 5000 and reduce the number of monks and nuns in the monastery. Therefore, organizing a religious event like the Kalachakra is definitely viewed as a publicity stunt to try and win over the Tibetan people who have continued to resist and protest Chinas illegal rule in Tibet. TYC is outraged and denounces this propaganda by the communist Chinese government.
Tibetan Youth Congress has consistently campaigned for the whereabouts and release of the 11th Panchen Lama but till date the Chinese government has not provided any concrete evidence regarding this matter.
“This Kalachakra teaching is being given by the Panchen Lama who is denounced by Tibetans both inside and outside Tibet. This preposterous effort by the Beijing Government simply exposes their paranoia over losing control over the Tibetan people in Tibet. It is apparent from this move that China realizes that despite 67 years of occupation it has not been able to control the hearts and minds of the Tibetan people and will go at great lengths to attempt to gain that control,” said Tenzing Jigme, President of TYC.