132. Kunchok

Name: Kunchok

Age: 42

Sex: Male

Date of self- immolation: September 16, 2014

Protest location: Golog (Chinese: Guoluo) Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Qinghai Province

Current whereabouts/wellbeing: Hospitalized, Tsangkor town in Gade (Chinese: Gande) county in the Prefecture

Info: A 42 year-old Tibetan, Kunchok, set himself on fire outside a police station in the Golog (Chinese: Guoluo) Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Qinghai Province on September 16, according information received from Tibet.

Kunchok’s self immolation took place in Tsangkor town in Gade (Chinese: Gande) county in the Prefecture but Tibetans nearby managed to extinguish the flames. Kunchok was rushed to hospital, and was deeply distressed that he had survived, according to Tibetan sources. Although the self-immolation happened on September 16, news only reached Tibetans in exile yesterday (October 5) due to restrictions on information and tightened security in the area.


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